Game Design Document

You play a character that had a run in with some bogus wizarding gear and has ended up being split into light and shadow forms. The overarching goal story-wise is to go find a way to put yourself back together again.

This is a 2D puzzle platformer where you switch between two forms to traverse the level. At a certain point, you will come across obstacles that will require a bit more than your current ability. By exploring, you'll find golems that have a special ability each. What do they do? You'll have to find out!

This game is lacking on the visual and sound department (barring one sound effect lol). Hopefully you can have fun with what I made mechanically!

So far, the game runs well on Chrome, but not so hot on some other browsers (such as Edge). 


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cool game

(1 edit) (+1)

pretty cool


I love the art! Seriously the concept of drawing with interactive elements are really cool!
I was stuck and couldn't go to S4 :(

(2 edits)

Thank you for playing and for the compliments! 

Were you able to remove the rock in the path? If you need a rough visual of how to remove the rock, the Game Design Document shows a way to either remove it or even get around it!